| Article cited and summarized in Republik Indonesia, Kajian Kebijakan Insentif Fiskal Untuk Mendorong Pertumbuhan Investasi di Sektor Ketenagalistrikan (Study of the Policy of Fiscal Incentives to Guide the Growth of Investment in the Electric Energy Sector), October 2005 Report following the August 18, 2005, Blackout, page 3.12 (page 45), & note 8, Jakarta |
English translation |
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| - | International Petroleum Economics Monthly [国际石油经济月刊 (Guo ji Shi you Jing ji)], Beijing, August 2006, pages 12-18, published by the Chinese Petroleum Society (中国石油社会) and CNPC-Petro China [中国石油天然气集团公司 (Zhong guo Shi you Tian ran qi Ji tuan Gong si)]. |
English translation |
| | - | China Shipping Information Net [中国海运信息网 (Zhong guo Hai yun Xin xi Wang)], Shanghai. Web version of the International Petroleum Economics Monthly [国际石油经济月刊 (Guo ji Shi you Jing ji)] report |
| Second Annual China-US Business Forum, Great Hall of the People, Beijing, February 14-15, 2006 |
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| - | International Business Daily [国際商报 (Guo ji Shang Bao)], Beijing, March 24, 2006, page 6, published by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China. |
Web Version |
| | - | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [中国社会科学院 (Zhong guo She hui Ke xue yuan)], Beijing. |
| China Daily [中國日报 (Zhong guo Ri bao)], Beijing (China) |
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| - | Sextant Letter, June 2006, published by Amiral Gestion [Admiral (Fund) Management], Paris [€ 155 million in funds under management ] |
French version |
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| - | Strategic Electricity Policy Decision Reference magazine [电力决策参考 (Dian li Jue ce Can kao)], Beijing, August 20, 2006, pages 28 & 29, published by China Electric Power News [中国电力报 (Zhong guo Dian li Bao)] |
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| Referenced in Aftenposten [Evening Post] newspaper, Oslo (Norway), May 20, 2006 |
English translation |
| The Economic Observer weekly national newspaper [经济观察报 (Jin ji Guan cha Bao)], Beijing (China) |
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| 21st Century Business Herald bi-daily national newspaper [21世纪经济报道 (Er shi yi Shi ji Jing ji Bao dao)], Beijing (China) {Word-search "卜若柏" (Bu Ruo bai [Robert Blohm])} |
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Io Energy (publishers of Power Daily), Audio conference by Robert Blohm on "Reliability Rules: Making Mandatory Standards for Operating the Power Grid", August 28, 2003 |
Knight-Ridder/Tribune, August 16, 2003 |
New York Newsday, August 15, 2003 |
Sacramento Bee, August 16, 2003 |
Energie-News, RWE AG (Rheinische Werke für Elektrizität), Essen, Germany, September 2, 2003 |
Strom Magazin (Germany), September, 2003 |
Disaster Recovery Journal, Special Report on "The Great Blackout of 2003", Fall 2003 |
State of Washington, Office of Trade and Economic Development, Energy Division, Weekly Energy Status Report, August 19, 2003, p. 4 |
[The] Electricity Forum News (Ajax, Ontario, & Geneva, New York), May 2004 |
Folha de São Paulo [Brazil's biggest newspaper], No. 73717, August 17, 2003: |
Georgia State University, Risk Management and Insurance 8320
Management of Insurance Institutions course syllabus |
Aug. 20, 2004 |
May 10, 2003 |
University of Vermont, Economics 20 course syllabus |
Public Utility Law Project of New York |
Aug. 10, 2004 |
May 10, 2004 |
Asymmetrical Information (Jane Galt), August 16, 2003 |
Arranged Fifth Annual Lynford Lecture at NYU-Polytechnic University by Nobel economics Laureate Robert Mundell, Brooklyn, NY, October 8, 2002 |
Select then click publications by or featuring Robert Blohm on   |
Select then click publications by or featuring Robert Blohm searched by Interactive |
Click article co-authored by Robert Blohm--the first ever measurement of The Internet Economy--on , October 17, 1996. Click publications below reacting to this article, then do word search if necessary |
"That was pretty early"--Bill Gates, personal comment, at the COMDEX, Las Vegas, November 15, 1998
| digi.no (digitoday Norway AS)
| Legislation and Public Policy (Journal), New York University
| Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforchung [Economic Research Quarterly], Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung [German Institute for Economic Research], Berlin
| Akademie Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Baden-Würtemberg [Baden-Würtemberg Academy for Technology Impact Assessment]
| Zpravodaj
Výzkumného ústavu odborného školství, Czech Republic
| Educause Review, Boulder, Colo. & Washington, DC
| American Distance Education Consortium
| University of California at Berkeley, Political Economy of Industrial Societies 101, course syllabus
| Massachussetts Institute of Technology and Ohio State University
| Duke University
| University of Maryland
| Universität Bremen, Institut für Kunjunktur und Strukturforschung [Economics and Social Research Institute]
| Florida State University | |
Click article co-authored by Robert Blohm explaining the Japanese economy's structural weakness that helped trigger the Asian economic crisis at the top of , June 24, 1997 the day after the last attempt by a Japanese Prime Minister to talk down the dollar. Reprinted in THE ASIAN WALL STREET JOURNAL as a warning to the Mainland leadership on the 1st business day after the "Handover" of Hong Kong to China. Click publications below reacting to this article, then do word search if necessary |
Click other publications below by or featuring Robert Blohm on electricity deregulation (and that began as economics publications that helped prevent the breakup of Canada, stop US financing of an uneconomic electric megaproject supporting secession from Canada, prompt the marketization of Canada's two largest electric utilities, and trigger reform of Canada's public finance). Correctly warned against the high prices due to spot-market monopolization of regulated service in California and Ontario that inspired the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to decertify the California Power Exchange and trigger the California electricity market crash. Successfully warned Japan against having an independent system operator operate an electric power exchange. Continue to warn in North America against mandating a single "standard" market design for scheduled electricity, and of the need to price unscheduled power for electric reliability. |   |
New York | |
| Public Utilities Fortnightly, January 1, 1998, "Ready, Fire, Aim: California and the Nation on the Eve of Competition: 14 Experts Ponder the Future of Electricity" | Text |
Public Utilities Fortnightly, May 1, 1997, "The Op-Ed Page: Poolco vs. Bilateral"
| National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas & Washington, DC
| US Department of Energy
| Corporate Counsel Review, Journal of the Corporate Counsel Section, State Bar of Texas
| RTO Car Talk    Oct. 11, 2002    Reply to Oct. 11, 2002    Sept. 27, 2002
| New Brunswick Market Design Committee, Market Design Issues Paper, Choice of Market Model
| Ontario Legislature
| Independent Power Producers Society of Ontario
| National Post (Canada)    Archive 1    Archive 2
| The Toronto Star    Archive
| Ontario Market Design Committee & The Toronto Star
| Energy Probe & The Toronto Star | |
| | Magazine |
Select subject first, then click --->
Reply filed December 22, 2004, by the Town of New Haven to Reply Briefs Re Testimony of Robert Blohm | |
Response, on September 21, 2004, to 202-question interrogatory by Vermont Electric Transmission Company on Testimony by Robert Blohm on electric reliability and markets before the Vermont Public Service Board | |
Response, on October 11, 2004, to 22-question second interrogatory by Vermont Electric Transmission Company on Testimony by Robert Blohm on electric reliability and markets before the Vermont Public Service Board | |
Criticism by Robert Blohm of Vermont Electric Transmission Company's Critical Load Study and Probabilistic Analysis submitted on October 12, 2004, before the Vermont Public Service Board | |
Letter of Acceptance, on October 12, 2004, by Vermont Electric Transmission Company, of Responses to all interrogatories on testimony by Robert Blohm on electric reliability and markets before the Vermont Public Service Board | |
Response, on September 22, 2004, to 152-question interrogatory by the Vermont Department of Public Service on Testimony by Robert Blohm on electric reliability and markets before the Vermont Public Service Board | |
Response, on October 11, 2004, to 67-question second interrogatory by the Vermont Department of Public Service on Testimony by Robert Blohm on electric reliability and markets before the Vermont Public Service Board | |
Response on December 1, 2004, to information requests by the Vermont Department of Public Service on Testimony by Robert Blohm readmitted by the Vermont Public Service Board on electric reliability and markets | |
Attachment to Response on December 1, 2004, to information requests by the Vermont Department of Public Service on Testimony by Robert Blohm readmitted by the Vermont Public Service Board on electric reliability and markets | |
December 1, 2004, Vermont Department of Public Service Advocacy Report: Casework in Progress at VPDPS. Orders Issued by the Vermont Public Service Board | |
| Contributions to taskforces and teams of the following electric reliability-standards and commercial-standards organizations: | | | |
Comments by Robert Blohm on proposed Operating Reserve requirement contained in "Comments on Compliance Templates" submitted to Board of Trustees of the North American Electric Reliability Council on March 31, 2004 | |
Robert Blohm's "Comments" to the "Work Paper" for the June 4, 2003, meeting of the Inadvertent Interchange Payback Taskforce of the North American Energy Standards Board
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Comments submitted by Robert Blohm for the November 3, 2003, meeting of the Inadvertent Interchange Payback Taskforce of the North American Energy Standards Board to a motion by L. Goins, Tennessee Valley Authority, to use the L10 limit in NERC's CPS2 Control Performance Standard as a deadband for non-economic exchange of Inadvertent.
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Comments by Robert Blohm in minutes of the November 5, 2003, meeting of the Standards Review Subcommittee of the North American Energy Standards Board | |
"Single Price Markets"-- Comment submitted by Robert Blohm for the February 26, 2004, meeting of the Inadvertent Interchange Payback Taskforce of the North American Energy Standards Board in response to the presentation at the last meeting by Al DiCaprio of (Pennsylvania-Jersey-Maryland) PJM Interconnection
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Comments filed on January 10, 2005, by Robert Blohm to the North American Energy Standards Board on Posting of the draft Inadvertent Interchange Payback Standard Option 1 Option 2 | |